Movie the prodigy
Movie the prodigy

Brothers Kevin and Dan Hageman ( Hotel Transylvania, The Lego Movie) created Prodigy, which targets kids 6-11 and follows a group of lawless teens searching for adventure. Prodigy is the fifth show in the Kurtzman Star Trek universe and joins Picard, adult-focused animated entry Lower Decks, flagship Discovery and the upcoming Strange New Worlds at Paramount+, the exclusive home of the franchise. We hope that as a company that we do what’s right for the franchise altogether,” Robbins told THR last month. has been the keeper of the franchise on the film side.

movie the prodigy

“We’re working on several fronts and obviously Alex is the key for the franchise. 28, Robbins and Kurtzman are already developing other such ideas connected to the world of the show as a kids- and family-focused version of Prodigy that includes a feature film designed to bow theatrically as well as other live-action features that could live alongside the Paramount Pictures’ J.J. In an interview pegged to Prodigy’s launch, Paramount Pictures CEO Brian Robbins - who originally bought the show for Nickelodeon and continues to program kids content for the streamer - outlined plans for how the animated kids show could pave the way for a new feature film chapter in the Star Trek universe. How Sci-Fi Films Use Asian Characters to Telegraph the Future While Also Dehumanizing Them

movie the prodigy

Prodigy marks the return of Kate Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway in a bid to appeal to Trekkie parents who may be watching the show with their children.


Prodigy was the brainchild of Star Trek captain Alex Kurtzman, whose intention with the series was to bring in new fans of the franchise at a young age while creating content that appeals to everyone in the family. (Paramount+, like other streamers, does not release specific viewership data.) 28, had what the streamer is calling the top-performing premiere day out of any originally animated kids series on the platform. Paramount+ has handed out a speedy renewal for the animated kids show that was originally developed for Nickelodeon. The future Star Trek: Prodigy has been solidified.

Movie the prodigy